Customer Testimonials

The BEST medical dictionary By R. L. Anderson

This is the BEST medical dictionary I have used. I have been doing medical transcription for 8 years and this is the only dictionary I use now. In the beginning, I tried other dictionaries but this one was far superior to any of the others.
(Categories - tabers, tabers22, ddxsamed2, hbfrac5, rndiseases5, tabers23, rndiseases6, firstaid-s1-2019, gomellaneonate8, firstaid-s1-2020, pednutri8, esskccm6, hbfrac6, aprnpadt2020, fampracgl5, willendo14, pedderma4, quickrefcc5, quickrefcc6, radoncoqr2, mclnemguide2, cancerpharmmnl, tabers24, teastests3, teastests4, huppertnotes1, mieecg7, firstaid-s2-ck10, manotes3, manotes4, ccm03, increcgpkt3)

This dictionary is a lifesaver! By RN Melissa

I am currently taking my prerequisites for nursing school and this dictionary is a lifesaver! it has tabs on the side to make it easier to find what you are looking for and even has a lot of pictures throughout.
(Categories - tabers, tabers22, ddxsamed2, hbfrac5, rndiseases5, tabers23, rndiseases6, firstaid-s1-2019, gomellaneonate8, firstaid-s1-2020, pednutri8, esskccm6, hbfrac6, aprnpadt2020, fampracgl5, willendo14, pedderma4, quickrefcc5, quickrefcc6, radoncoqr2, mclnemguide2, cancerpharmmnl, tabers24, teastests3, teastests4, huppertnotes1, mieecg7, firstaid-s2-ck10, manotes3, manotes4, ccm03, increcgpkt3)

It is fast, concise and still amazes me at its depth By Customer

I continue to use this book, after 5 years in private practice. It is fast, concise and still amazes me at its depth. I've just recommended it to my brother who is begining his EMT training.
(Categories - tabers22, tabers, ddxsamed2, hbfrac5, rndiseases5, tabers23, rndiseases6, firstaid-s1-2019, gomellaneonate8, firstaid-s1-2020, pednutri8, esskccm6, hbfrac6, aprnpadt2020, fampracgl5, willendo14, pedderma4, quickrefcc5, quickrefcc6, radoncoqr2, mclnemguide2, cancerpharmmnl, tabers24, teastests3, teastests4, huppertnotes1, mieecg7, firstaid-s2-ck10, manotes3, manotes4, ccm03, increcgpkt3)

This book has been the best help By Kim

I just want to say this book has been the best help. I am a student of medical terminolgy and it has helped me so much. I recommend this book very highly.
(Categories - tabers, tabers22, ddxsamed2, hbfrac5, rndiseases5, tabers23, rndiseases6, firstaid-s1-2019, gomellaneonate8, firstaid-s1-2020, pednutri8, esskccm6, hbfrac6, aprnpadt2020, fampracgl5, willendo14, pedderma4, quickrefcc5, quickrefcc6, radoncoqr2, mclnemguide2, cancerpharmmnl, tabers24, teastests3, teastests4, huppertnotes1, mieecg7, firstaid-s2-ck10, manotes3, manotes4, ccm03, increcgpkt3)

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